Monday, October 29, 2012

Blogging Around--Andy Han Critique

Andy Han--An Inconvenient Truth: My Dream Might Not Come True

President Han,

As I sit in my kitchen responding to your blog post, I can't help but feel an incredible swell of emotions, thanks to your blog post. You have absolutely touched on a topic that is very moving and relatable to so many kids our age, with bright futures especially, who look at what's to come, and realize that the dream they have decided to pursue, and the tumultuous and turbulent journey to get there, is seemingly insurmountable.

The Format
Not only am I extremely impressed with the drive and determination (that will carry you far) to reach your ultimate dream of attending a very prestigious medical school and seeking out a tough profession, but I am also impressed with your voice as a writer. I don't recall needing to do this for many pieces if literature, blog posts especially, but here it goes: I couldn't read your post--not because I didn't have time or my computer wasn't functioning--but because such strong a voice is something that can't be comprehended with the eyes. That's why I really had to hear what you were saying, not move my eyes over your words. We have talked a lot about a piece of writing's voice, in addition to how form=content (emphasized especially in our poetry unit and beginning our reading of The Tragedy of King Lear). The way you structured this post is so similar to the dynamic nature of your speech that I couldn't help but think to myself while I was reading that this is Andy! You expressed a deeply meaningful message with your sense of humor which made what you had to say resonate even more with someone like me. It was a wonderful demonstration of what kind of skills Mr. Allen looks for in our writing, in my opinion at least.

The Lesson
As I stated earlier, I was really amazed at how well you put your thoughts into words and how relatable it all seemed, even if I don't have much of an interest in attending Northwestern Medical School and later becoming a doctor. In addition, I like how you led us to the end of the post and then threw "That's my life. Passion. Destiny." in our faces (or ears more accurately) to leave us pondering the significance and putting a cap on everything you previously said. 

For the nature if the assignment, I love this post! Nice job!

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